Meetings and Events


Our meeting date is the last Wednesday of the month. Special event dates will be announced. RSVPs are due by noon on the Monday prior to each meeting as online registration automatically closes at that time. If registration is closed and you find you can attend, please contact Mary Abshier to check on seating availability.


Below is a menu of programs that are sure to satisfy any intellectual appetite. Join HFCW’s meetings where lifetime learners gather. Be a part of our long history of sharing wit and wisdom with HFCW members and their guests since 1974.


Questions? Contact Mary Abshier at info@hfcw.org or (281) 923-9241‬. 

Views Navigation

Event Views Navigation


Sparkle Swap – Holiday Celebration – Members Only

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

Our dazzling holiday party will be a time when our accessories come out to shimmer and find new homes. Please […]



A special, end-of-the-year HFCW Zoom meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 29 at 11:30am (our regular monthly meeting day […]

Reading in a Brave New World

PROGRAM Everything changed for us in March 2020. That includes our reading habits. As a bookseller we noticed some differences […]

Make the Most of Your Texas Road Trips

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Be inspired to hit the highway. Hear a top Texas travel pro as she shares her best road trip […]

A Soiree of Yesterday

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM This meeting is a show-and-tell social. Please bring something old from yesterday, and tell us about it and yourself. […]

How the Energy Transition Will Affect Houston

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Is the oil and gas industry going away? Will Houston still be the Energy Capital of the World? After […]

The Crazy Circle of Grief

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Grief is something that no one wants to happen in their life, but something that most all of us […]

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to info@hfcw.org.