Meetings and Events


Our meeting date is the last Wednesday of the month. Special event dates will be announced. RSVPs are due by noon on the Monday prior to each meeting as online registration automatically closes at that time. If registration is closed and you find you can attend, please contact Mary Abshier to check on seating availability.


Below is a menu of programs that are sure to satisfy any intellectual appetite. Join HFCW’s meetings where lifetime learners gather. Be a part of our long history of sharing wit and wisdom with HFCW members and their guests since 1974.


Questions? Contact Mary Abshier at info@hfcw.org or (281) 923-9241‬. 

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Event Views Navigation


History Lovers Come Face to Face with a Fearless Woman

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM You will be enthralled with this historical first-person interpretation. Step back to the year 1650 and meet Priscilla Mullins Alden. She will tell you of the 30 years that […]

Federation of Houston Professional Women and What It Brings You

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Come discover what the Federation of Houston Professional Women (FHPW) offers you. You’ll hear from its incoming FHPW President Mary Faris and FHPW Education Foundation Vice President of Scholarships […]

Discovering Your Touchstones for a Fulfilling 2023

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Luncheon, socializing and group activity. As 2022 comes to a close, attendees will select a word to serve as a guiding star for their New Year. This will be […]

First Ladies of the United States of America and Their Cookies

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Caroline Scott Harrison First Lady Caroline Scott Harrison, was the wife of our 23rd President, Benjamin Harrison. His administration began 1889, ending in 1893. In 1890, Caroline, lent her […]

Settle the Differences in the Family Living Inside

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM You know that we each have a family around us. Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a counseling theory that examines the family inside us. You know when “a part […]

Do You Know What You Have?

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Living in the greater Houston area means living with hurricanes, floods and other destructive weather events. Like people everywhere we also face possible losses from fire, burglary, broken water […]

Downsizing: Be Careful What You Keep

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Over time, a person's life can become a wonderful wastebasket of ideas and gifts and appropriations. Chris Rogers' life, never a straight route from point to point, has been […]

Discover the Miracle of Journaling

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Perhaps you have tried journaling in the past or you already journal every day. Carolyn Gray will explain what more the powerful tool of journaling can deliver. You may […]

Mysteries of Mud: A Short History of Clay

Sorrento Italian Restaurant 415 Westheimer Road, Suite 106, Houston, TX, United States

PROGRAM Travel back in time to man’s earliest uses of clay, which like many discoveries, happened by accident. This trail leads to significant dates and places in man’s history. You […]

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to info@hfcw.org.